Woman smiling. She has straight hair and is looking down. Behind it is straight foliage.

It's nice meeting you!

I’m Simone, and I am a Clinical Naturopath, Health Educator and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) Life Coach with more than ten years of experience in women’s health.

🌿 My mission is to help women heal their cycles, rebalance their hormones, and reignite their inner power.

🌿 I am a firm believer that your body has an amazing healing power, and that by tapping into this power you can reconnect with your sacred inner wisdom and achieve anything you wish.

🌿 As your Naturopath, my job is to help you achieve your health goals, transform all areas of your life and remove any barriers to your healing.

❣️ Whether you are struggling with PMS, PCOS, fibroids or on a hormonal roller-coaster, I am here to support you and show you the way out.

👩🏽‍⚕️ Often, Naturopathic treatments encompass a combination of Herbal, Nutritional and Lifestyle Medicines, aimed at supporting your body's natural healing processes as well as improving your emotional resilience.

I work alongside other healthcare practitioners to ensure you are receiving the most comprehensive treatment available, and this may include laboratory testing whenever appropriate.

With a holistic, natural and gentle approach, you will feel guided on a journey where you will learn to integrate body, mind, and spirit. You will understand on a deeper level how everything you do, think, and believe have an impact on your wellbeing, and how to support your health on all levels.

Whenever you feel ready to transform your life, I am ready to embark on this journey with you.

Just click the link below to get started 💫

With love & deep gratitude,

Simone 💕alt
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